Monday, November 1, 2010

And the Winner Is....

The polls will be opening early tomorrow. And throughout the day many citizens (many more will not) will cast a ballot voicing support or opposition to a plethora of candidates, constitutional amendments, and other ballot initiatives.

Monday, October 25, 2010


It took almost a month, but the newest quarterly reports on fund-raising has been discovered. This is something that I have been planning on writing about for over a month now. Lots of exciting information to talk about. Lots of exciting information to to share with the world and you. Stay tuned

Monday, October 18, 2010


Being a Senate race that the New York Times recently hailed as being Senate seat no. 51, the campaign has certainly been rather boring. It lacks the crazy of Delaware and the passion and fight of Kentucky. There are no witches or Aqua Buddhas in Washington sadly. Just two candidates who stick to their message tried and true.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Sadly, the information that I was hoping to post this week is just not up to date enough to justify a post and analysis. The idea was to look at the war chest of both candidates and use this to gauge strength of the two candidates and also look at incumbent advantage. So, what is there to do? Let's take a look at all that fine and exciting Citizens United money that is rolling into our campaign!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I Want the Money

Candidates for public office will spend a lot of time attending fundraisers and raising money, it is kinda what they do. There is however one source of money that no candidate of either party wants to admit to having. You know, that kind of money that comes from those people...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Place Your Bets

This is going to be the first in a short series of posts about the most important part of any political campaign, the people money donated by large companies to each of the candidates. Thanks to the magic of both the internet and campaign finance laws we will be able to look who is putting their money on whom.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Maybe this should have been posted earlier. One of the more common features by bad bloggers and even worse news reports is the constant beating of the latest poll numbers. Bloggers will sound the trumpets when their supported candidate is ahead in the polls (while gleefully ignoring when the news is bad or attempt to discredit the poll, that they had just supported, when it is not in their favor).